We Value Your Health and Well-Being Above All Else
At Wyndale Paving, we acknowledge that our line of work includes powerful machinery, large infrastructure, and materials that could be hazardous to one’s health. With 50 years in the paving and construction industry, we have seen the benefit of implementing strong health and safety values, as well as the disastrous ramifications that result in their absence.
As a COR-certified paving and construction company, we have demonstrated a clear commitment to health and safety. All new employees are onboarded with our in-house health and safety requirements. From there, they receive ongoing training and support to ensure that the latest industry health and safety standards are being practiced.
This culture of safety permeates every site we step foot on. Before starting any of the work, our crew establishes a safe working environment to ensure that no one’s health is jeopardized along the way.
Contact us today at 905-913-8880 to learn more about how we make safety a priority on all of our projects!